Tuesday, December 16, 2008

When in Doubt Look Up

Two years ago I received a giraffe for Christmas from a close friend.  He has a sign around his neck that says "When In Doubt Look Up".  I love it.  He sits out all year long and reminds me not to doubt that God is in control all the time.  My husband was laid off from work 3 weeks ago.  He is working 2-3 days a week and I work so we are fine but it is still scary.  I was driving to the grocery store the other day and just broke down and started crying.  It came from nowhere.  I am scared plain and simple.  I came home and saw that giraffe and thought of Jesus and how we don't need to be scared because He is with  us always - lean on Him - that is what He wants us to do and that's what I'm doing.